Wednesday, September 16, 2009

12 Month Check-up

On Monday, Aubrey Claire went to see Dr. McCown for her 12-month check up. First, our favorite nurse came in to weigh and measure ACK. She weighed 21 lbs 14 oz (50th percentile), she's 30.5 inches tall (90th percentile), and her head is 18 3/4 inches around (97th percentile). She needs a big head for all of those brains because Dr. McCown said she was the smartest 1yr old EVER. Ok...maybe those weren't his exact words, but he was pretty impressed with her being able to tell him how old she is!! Whenever its time to check out the ears during a doctors appointment, Aubrey Claire has a little meltdown. And who could blame her - we battled ear infections for the better part of last year! Seriously, from February to June, we didn't go more than 2 weeks without an ear infection. One lasted for nearly 6 weeks!!! It was probably pretty painful whenever the doc took a look in her ears...and now when the ear-thingy comes out, she cries! Good news this time - her ears looked PERFECT!! We put off having tubes put in with the hopes that she might outgrow the ear infections. So far, so good. Now if we can just make it through the fall without a relapse...keep your fingers crossed! All in all, she had a great check up!