Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl

Just a little flashback - this is where we were just one year ago...

And now our precious Aubrey Claire is one year old!!! It seems like just yesterday she made her way into our lives, into our family, and into our hearts. At the same time, its hard to remember a day without her.

We had the best day on Friday. Corey was able to take off work, so we were both able to be there when she woke up on her birthday. For the last couple of weeks, Aubrey Claire has been able to tell you how old she was going to be on her birthday by holding up one finger. As soon as Corey got her out of her crib yesterday, she held up "1" before we even had a chance to ask her how old she was!! She knew it was a special day!

As a special treat for her birthday, Corey and I took Aubrey Claire to the zoo. We had an absolute BLAST! She loved the monkeys, loved the lions and tigers, and hated the butterflies. The children's zoo was a big hit - she really enjoyed petting the goats and the sheep. She had a little meltdown shortly after so she didn't really get to see the other farm animals. Next time we'll hit that part of the zoo first!

After the zoo, we headed home for a nap and to start getting ready for Aubrey Claire's first 1st birthday party (she's having 2 parties!). Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Pooba, Uncle JH, Aunt Paige, Aunt Dani, and Aunt Jamie all came over to celebrate Aubrey Claire's birthday. We grilled out while AC dined on her favorite - raviolis, peas and carrots. Then it was time for cake! She was a little hesistant at first, but Aubrey Claire finally dug in to her Elmo cake.

After cake, it was time for presents. Out of all the many, many gifts, one of Aubrey Claire's favorite presents was the bag that Aunt Jamie's gift came in! We could have saved some money by just stuffing fun bags with tissue paper! It was a long day, but it was the best day we've had since the day she was born. Happy Birthday Pumpkin! Mommy loves you!