Monday, October 26, 2009

Biel Halloween Party

After our trip to the Pumpkin Patch, we went to the Biel's Halloween Party. Every year our friends Brett and Elizabeth Biel have a great Halloween party - its a great time for the little ones to get dressed up and make fun Halloween treats. This year Aubrey Claire loved making her Halloween door knocker...she did a great job too! You probably can't tell from this picture, but Aubrey Claire is a little duck! Don't worry, I'll get a better pic of her all dressed up and post it to the blog!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

More pics from the patch...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend, Corey and I wanted to take Aubrey Claire to the pumpkin patch...but a nasty stomach bug ruined our plans! This weekend, we finally made it and it was AWESOME! Aubrey Claire had a great time. She rode the toy tractors, she went on the hayride, she picked out her pumpkin, she visited the farm animals...she even posed for a couple of pictures!

More pics to follow...

Monday, October 19, 2009

West Virginia Trip

Over the Columbus Day weekend, my mom, my dad, AC and I took advantage of the holiday and took a quick trip to West Virginia to visit family. Now...the last time we drove to West Virginia, Aubrey Claire was right at 2 months old. The 8 hour drive was super-easy because she slept the entire time. This time was a little different, however. Lets just say before we left West Virginia, we bought a portable DVD player and a handful of DVDs for Aubrey Claire to watch!! Here are some highlights from our trip:

My favorite breakfast in the whole wide world is biscuits and gravy and no one does biscuits and gravy like my Poppy. Each time we are up there for a visit (and even when he and Meme come down to visit us) Poppy makes biscuits and gravy. Now that AC is eating big girl food, its only fitting that she had some biscuits and gravy!! She loved it!!!

Walking up and down Meme and Poppy's front steps was Aubrey Claire's favorite past time while we were there!

Saturday night, my Aunt Karen and Uncle Rocky had us over for family dinner. Aubrey Claire got to play with her cousin, Jackson. Aubrey Claire loved sitting in Jackson's lap while he read her a story!

This is a pic of me, AC, my cousin Angie, and her two boys. Our last night in West Virginia, Meme and Poppy prepared a big family dinner and every one came over to eat and visit!

Visits to West Virginia are never long enough, but its a good thing we came back when we snowed less than a week later!

Is it just me...

or is Aubrey Claire growing up way too fast???

Friday, October 2, 2009

New Favorite Food...

Looks like Aubrey Claire has a new favorite food - Spaghetti O's!