Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! We certainly did...except for Aubrey's bout with a stomach virus! She started coming down with it on Tuesday of last week and by Christmas Eve, it was full blown. Luckily she never threw up, but "the other" got pretty bad. Despite a sore bottom and tummy cramps, she was still all smiles for her first Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with my family - we started the evening off by going to Christmas Eve service at my parents' church. (Aubrey made it through part of the service before Corey took her out to the lobby). Then we headed over to my parents house for supper and presents. After all of the festivities we headed home to wait for Santa to come to our house. Christmas morning we woke up to find a lot of goodies left by Santa for Aubrey Claire - she was definitely on the "Nice" list this year! Around lunch we packed up and headed down to Corey's parents house for more Christmas. Aubrey was really getting the hang of opening presents - she loved the tissue paper and the ribbons! By the end of the evening the three of us were worn out and ready for bed. All in all, it was a great Christmas...full of family and fellowship. As for the stomach virus - Aubrey is still trying to get over it!


The Harper Family said...

Adorable picture! I hope she is feeling better!