Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ISR information

After I posted the video of Aubrey Claire floating, a number of people have asked me for more information regarding Infant Swim Resource. ISR lessons are available for babies 6 months and older. Our lessons were at the St. Vincents Health and Wellness Center 119 (think Hwy 280/Greystone area). The lessons were 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 4-6 weeks. Our instructor, Tim, was great with Aubrey Claire. There is a website where you can find the ISR-certified instructor in your area. Just go to www.infantswim.com and search by your zip code. ISR is big time commitment - especially if you live on the opposite side of town like we do - but in the end, it was all worth it!!!


The Harper Family said...

I just watched the video - so cool! Good job, Aubrey Claire!