Friday, April 9, 2010

A little of this...a little of that...

Aubrey Claire has grown up so much in the last few months - she's really starting to become her own little person. As she grows and develops her own personality, its fun to see which traits she picks up from me and which ones she gets from Corey.

  1. First off, the obvious...Aubrey Claire looks just like Corey. Blue eyes...blonde hair...facial expressions...all Daddy.
  2. Her love of shoes, hair bows, and accessories in general - this one is definitely me!
  3. Aubrey Claire loves to be outside, loves to play with her "mow-mow" (lawn mower) and help Daddy with the yard work - that's Corey. He enjoys working outside, taking care of our yard, and working in the garden. I like to be outside, but I'd prefer to be sitting poolside rather than out doing chores!
  4. She loves books. She loves for you to read to her and she loves to "read" to you - that one is all me! When I was little and earned a special treat from the store, I would always pick out a book. I enjoyed reading when I was growing up and I still enjoy reading now.
  5. Aubrey Claire likes to organize things. Certain things have a specific place and she likes to make sure everything is where it needs to be - this is definitely Corey. I'm more of the organized chaos type, but Corey likes for everything to be put up in its proper place.
  6. She loves arts & crafts, especially "dot-dots" - umm...yeah, thats me!
  7. Aubrey Claire can be pretty stubborn - I'd say we're both equally responsible for this one! :)

While its sad to realize just how fast time passes and how quickly she is growing up, it is fun to watch her grow and develop into such as sweet, loving little girl. I love me some Aubrey Claire!!