Yesterday was such a pretty day, we didn't let a double ear infection and a rash due to an adverse reaction to an antibiotic get in the way of enjoying it! With a smile like that, its hard to believe she's not feeling well, huh? (A 3 1/2 hour nap helps!!!)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Pretty Day
Posted by Amanda at 7:38 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sleepy Aubrey
I mentioned before that Aubrey Claire was trying to get over a double-ear infection. It started Easter weekend but instead of getting better, it actually got worse! Needless to say, she hasn't been sleeping very well. On Tuesday she actually dozed off while sitting up in her exersaucer. Poor thing...
Posted by Amanda at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Fun Friday
Aubrey Claire and I had a fun filled Friday last week. We started the day at the zoo! This was Aubrey Claire's first trip to the zoo and I was so excited to take her. We were supposed to meet my friend Katie and her two sons, Colin and Jack, at 9am. Little did we know, every elementary school in the state of Alabama had decided to take a fieldtrip to the zoo that very morning. (Ok...maybe not EVERY elementary school, but I counted at least 6 different schools that were there) It took us nearly 30 minutes just to find each other in the crowd! Once in the zoo, we were able to walk through all of the different habitats and exhibits, but since it was so crowded it was hard to get any pics. Don't worry - we'll definitely be going back! Aubrey Claire seemed to really enjoy it - especially since she's sitting forward in the stroller now. She can actually look around instead of staring at me the whole time!! After the zoo, we met Jamie at Target (my fave store) and then headed to Edgar's for lunch. The weather was absolutely perfect so we ate outside. We were there for two hours just chatting, eating and snapping pics. Here is a great picture of Aubrey Claire and her Aunt Jamie!
Posted by Amanda at 5:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
More Easter Pics
Here are a couple of pics from Easter with the Kennedys! Sorry its taken me so long to post them - we've been battling a double-ear infection since Easter weekend!!!
Aubrey Claire loves her pink exersaucer...especially when Aunt Dani gets in the floor and plays too!

Grandma and Grandpa Kennedy gave Aubrey Claire the classic Fisher-Price ring toy (who didn't have one of those when they were little?!?). She didn't quite get the hang of it, but she did manage to bang the rings on the table and then gnaw on the little post! Oh, well!
And what kind of Easter would it be without a stuffed bunny rabbit in the mouth??
Posted by Amanda at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday evening, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Easter with my side of the family. After dinner, my parents had set up a little Easter Egg Hunt for me, Corey, JH, Paige, and Aubrey Claire. All of the eggs were hidden in the back yard and each egg had someone's initals on it. No matter who found the egg, whoever's initials were on the egg got what was inside. Corey and JH were super-competitive and ran off the porch and around the yard looking for eggs. Aubrey Claire teamed up with my dad...and by the looks of it, she wasn't having as much fun as her daddy and her Uncle JH!

Next year, Paige and I need to come up with a better strategy because Corey and JH found most of the eggs. Then again, it really didn't matter too much...they all had "ACK" on them! After all of the eggs were rounded up, we came inside to see what the Easter Bunny had left us. Aubrey Claire seemed to really perk up when she realized she had racked up! Don't worry - the Easter Bunny had stashed away a couple of eggs for the "big kids".

Posted by Amanda at 12:18 PM 1 comments
Easter Cupcakes
Last week, Aubrey Claire and I baked mini carrot cake cupcakes for her friends and family. I'm in charge of the baking and Aubrey Claire is in charge of decorating. Seriously - she loves shaking the sprinkles shaker. Granted, she makes a huge mess and misses most of the cupcakes, but hey...what do you expect, she's only 7 months old!!
This time around, she got her own licking spoon. Now before anyone starts, NO she didn't even get close to the raw batter. She just chewed on the rubber end of her licking spoon. EIGHTY mini cupcakes later, Aubrey Claire was pretty bored with the licking spoon and started chewing on the hard handle. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy when I had to take it away!
Posted by Amanda at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Henry & Aubrey Claire
Last weekend my friend Leslie, her husband Michael and their precious little Henry came "home" to Birmingham so we could all meet Henry for the first time! Aubrey Claire was smitten - she kept wanting to touch little Henry's head. It was so cute to watch, but I was holding my breath the whole time because I have experienced first-hand the brut strength of my sweet little Aubrey Claire's death grip. Needless to say, I had a good grasp on her hands anytime we were near little Henry! Here's a pic of the babies and the baby-mommas...flashback to our Senior Christmas Dance in 1995 - we stood on that same staircase with our dates. Man, we're old.
Posted by Amanda at 12:11 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My, how things have changed in 7 short months...

Posted by Amanda at 10:45 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I only turned my back for a second...
And thats all the time that Aubrey Claire needed to pull every last clean and neatly folded bib and burp cloth off the coffee table! Not only did she sprinkle them all around her, she also tucked a couple into her seat to play with later. I guess I need to find a new place to stack my clean laundry!
Posted by Amanda at 8:41 PM 0 comments